

Over sixty years ago, ISH was launched with a commitment to training individuals as chaplains. This helped Houston’s chaplaincy efforts flourish around the city, where spiritual care is offered with great devotion throughout hospitals, prisons, schools, and other organizations. 

ISH maintains a commitment to spiritual care through chaplaincy by welcoming people through its doors who seek support during times of growth, grief, transition, or loss.  As part of this effort, ISH has dedicates itself to a special focus on caring for individuals who work within organizations.  Workplace spirituality is nationally gaining recognition as a critical source of emotional, physical, and psychological health.  The impact?  Heightened spiritual, emotional, and physical wellness, increased energy, and more ease across relationships at work. 

As part of this service, and as an example, ISH has the honor of working with LifeGift, the designated organ procurement organization (OPO) for North, Southeast and West Texas, LifeGift partners with more than 200 hospitals across 109 counties.  Through its mission and commitment, LifeGift offers hope to the thousands of people in Texas and beyond who need lifesaving organ transplants, and to countless others who need lifesaving tissue transplants.  Every day, an average of 92 people across the country receive lifesaving organ transplants, and countless others receive lifesaving tissue transplants. Many more receive the gift of sight through cornea donation. 

LifeGift recognizes the tremendous care extended by their employees to helping others in the Houston community during times of extreme loss.  Through weekly rounds and 1-1 in-person and off-site visits, ISH has been invited to support staff during times of sadness, anxiety, frustration, or points of spiritual crisis or exploration through chaplaincy. 

If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about how to bring chaplaincy services into your workplace or another context, please contact Susana McCollom at or directly at 202.257.2311.