

MD Anderson is a renown as an institution, and so is its work with Palliative Care.  Under the direction, expertise, and diligence of Dr. Eduardo Bruera and Dr. Marvin Delgado-Guay, ISH has been invited to participate in analysis and writing of qualitative research data around spirituality, religion, health, and healing among Spanish speaking populations in the United States and abroad. Spirituality and religiosity are common with Latino cultural values and daily lives, serving as foundations of strength, well-being and coping with life′s struggles [1-3].  Spirituality and religiosity, when used for the purpose of healing or to maintain health, are important components of mind-body alternative therapies commonly used by Latinos, a finding in sync with Latino theological literature which reveals spirituality as integral with Latino culture.  

Having awareness of spiritual of patients’ religious and spiritual concerns is extremely important for professional health care provides caring for those with advanced and terminal illnesses. This action helps to promote an integral care that is patient-centered, culturally competent, narrative, and holistic medicine. 

If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about this work, please contact Susana McCollom at or directly at 202.257.2311.