Manizeh Mirza-Gruber, MD

Manizeh Mirza-Gruber, MD

Mind-Body Skills for Wellness
Group for Healthcare Professionals

8-Week Group| Thursday evenings, 6:00-8:00pm | April 2 - May 21

 Please join me to explore a range of mind-body skills for wellness, stress management, hope and healing during COVID-19. This once a week group for eight weeks will teach you techniques for self-care and self-awareness. We will share together in a warm and nurturing environment and learn about meditation, guided imagery, biofeedback, self-expression, mindful eating, and movement. You will be able to integrate these tools into your daily life and experience the benefits of being “Mindful In Practice™”.

This group is specifically for those working in healthcare and are facing the rising challenge of caring for the sick during this pandemic.

 This group is being facilitated by Manizeh Mirza-Gruber, M.D., Certified Facilitator with The Center for Mind-Body Medicine.

Limited Capacity  |  Free to participate