Yoga as Integrative Medicine by Deepak N. Kotecha, O.D.

January 30th, 2017

Yoga should realistically be viewed as integrative medicine. Yoga, when practiced properly under the guidance of a knowledgeable and experienced teacher, is safe and effective at working towards a goal of a greatly reduced or even a relatively disease free state. Yoga should not be substituted for sound medical care, but rather, work hand-in-hand with your physician. Yoga should be an integral part of your overall care and work in tandem with medical care to achieve total health for the patient.

However, Yoga is so much more than “medicine.” Yoga’s  simple and effective techniques, practices and lifestyle changes that are integral to the practice and sadhana of classical Yog can be profoundly life-changing on many levels, whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.

Yoga is a system of self knowledge and self improvement. Arising from ancient Hindu teachings, knowledge and wisdom, these practices produce sustainable life-changing transformations that transcend the modern but limited notions of “total” health. Indeed, many modern interpretations of “Yoga” are mainly distortions of Yog-asanas that do not do real justice to the system of total self-improvement that is authentic Yog.

Welcome into your experience the total Mind-Body-Spirit connection for a healthy, positive outlook on life. Modern applications of medicine, Prayer, Yoga and meditation are not antithetical to each other but, rather, fully integrative. Overall patient wellness is most certainly impacted by a holistic lifestyle approach, including targeted Yoga, prayer and gradual stress management.

Yoga allows learning simple and effective techniques that can be transformative to life and health when properly implemented. It allows one to find deeper meaning to life and the joy of living purposefully. Experience Yoga, Experience Joy!

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