Battlefield of Our Mind

By Marla Maharaj

June 3rd, 2015

Battlefield of Our Mind


Never ending battles in the mind

Hearts wounded, lives entwined

A war fare fought in ignorance

Authorities overthrown by our benevolence


Bodies weakened from senses blind

Soldiers stand strategically aligned

Overlooking the wisdom of what takes precedence

Ego builds our false confidence


Straightening our frame and silencing our mind

Leaving past memories consciously behind

With efforts sincerely made to regain our intelligence

We stake claims to distinguish our providence


Narrowing our focus on peace re-defined

Spirit resurrected and energies combined

Techniques modified to increase our tolerance

Reminding ourselves of our spiritual significance


On the battlefield of our mind

Succumb not to darkness enshrined

Traveling progressively, establishing a balance

Golden Stars of wisdom exchanged for our perseverance

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